A man always wants to look good in front of a girl and even more good looking if he likes the girl.
Sometimes, when a guy spends months or perhaps years of his life making everything for the girl to love him the same way, when it's time for pop up the question there are a few things that he prays not to listen as an answer.
- "You are not my type of guy": this could probably be the worst answer that you can get from a girl. Not only lows your self-esteem as it is the same thing to say as 'your ugly man'. Unless she becomes blind, you have no chance with her. However if you are rich, you can always show her some money or... pay her for pleasure if it is the case.
- "I like you as a good friend": well, when they say this it means that you don't have a minimum chance to date her. Not even in the next 60 years. At least you probably will be able to chat with her and remain her friend. Not bad at all.
- "Right now, I'm not ready for a relationship": this probably means the same as "You are not my type of guy" but put in soft words. However you may have a higher probability to go out and date a girl who has said this to you than with a girl that have said the other sentence.
- "I have a boyfriend": unless you are a kind of superman or have suicidal tendencies, you can always try to get/steal her. You may want to try saying: "I'm not jealous!", however you probably will receive a punch on your face as a gift. This cannot always be a bad sentence because if she is a "whore type" well... you know the rest and it's up to you to decide.
- "I'm a lesbian": ok, forget it, unless you change is way of thinking... the best you can get is a friend relationship. You can always try to meet some of her "girl" friends.
Footnote: not my love life mirror. =)